Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why can't every day be like today?

Today was so awesome....woke up excited, connected with several people at church, went to a birthday party and got stuck under a tarp with a dozen laughing people I barely know when the rainstorm hit, came home and took a bath, and our friends are on their way to jam and eat Don's curry chicken...
I'm realizing that telecommuting, as awesome as it is, has the drawback of being a lonely occupation. And I don't realize how fully drained and unmotivated I feel until I get out and mingle, chat, connect, make plans, laugh, hug and love PEOPLE. I so need that.


aullman said...

Your comment in regard to feeling disconnected and isolated when telecommuting from home is a common problem among many telecommuters.

Remote Office Centers provide a solution for telecommuters who are dissatisifed with home telecommuting environments. Remote Office Centers lease individual offices, internet and phone systems to workers from different companies in shared centers located around the suburbs. They provide structure, infrastructure, as well as social contact - which can not be underestimated.

It seems to me that telecommuting is analogous to an exercise routine. Some people do well working out at home with home equipment by themselves. Others will tell you that they can not maintain a consistent workout routine unless they go the gym.

Telecommuting is not a one-size-fits-all solution. That is why facilities such as Remote Office Centers are needed.

Remote Office Centers are fairly new, but can be found in many cities by searching on the internet for "Remote Office Centers" in quotes.

The technology exists to telecommute, but you can not ignore the human factor. It is nice to be able to walk outside your office and say hi to other people, even if they don't work for the same company as you.

Ronni said...

Wow, this made me laugh out loud...I didn't know spam had reached blogs...unreal.

Unknown said...

Didn't you know? Spam is the answer to 21st century loneliness! If you feel like the world has passed you by and no one knows you're there, just get a public email accounts and you'll have lots of people knocking down your door! :)

Telecommuting is isolating. But, use the extra time you have to plan a long lunch with a church friend or a new acquaintance. The tradeoff of your freedom is the necessity to seek out contact more intentionally. I've been lucky to work in situations where both Janece and Amira and others have been at home around me. Even so, I've missed that workplace camaraderie from time to time.