Monday, September 29, 2008

"Party line voting in my opinion is unbiblical. It says you don't think" ~ Richard Cizik, National Association of Evangelicals

I listened to an interesting interview on NPR over the weekend with Richard Cizik, vice president of governmental affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals.... got me googling the guy because I loved his honesty. Turns out he has ticked off several high-profile conservative Christian leaders like James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Paul Weyrich and Gary Bauer, mostly because of his environmentalism (Creation Care) focusing on his stance on global warming. This NPR interview and other articles I've read recently, like the one in the Colorado Independent titled "Evangelical leader smacks McCain for lack of ‘principle’" proves he's not out to please the right....and I think that's what I liked about him. He's an independent thinker, not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, regardless of what mainstream Republicans or Christians say. This essay on torture that Richard Cizik wrote in the Washington Monthly... me of my frustration with the current administration. Abortion, no - torture, yes? There is no greater irony in deeply held beliefs than that.

Now, I'd love to tell you he's voting for Obama/Biden this year, but he is, as of the date of this interview, in the 'undecided' category. But I love that he is open-minded and willing to speak out against the pressure Christians feel to vote Republican. Here's an excerpt:

...No party has a monopoly on GOD...I'm a conservative, but it doesn't mean I'm going to vote that way. I may disagree with Obama, and do, on same sex marriage and abortion, but that doesn't mean I'll vote against him...i think there are character and integrity issues that are even more important [than specific issues]. I would ask my fellow evangelicals 'what kind of temperment do you want?'...Barak Obama is a healer - he's looking to build common ground, even with his we can find common ground, let's do it - that's Obama's forte!

Ahhhh...thank you, Mr. a Coke slurpee on a hot day, totally refreshing...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Embracing My Inner Zombie

Interesting article on the Discovery site:

Scientists have found evidence that the self-aware part of our brains isn't always in charge.

I'm living proof - I've been blaming that dude for all my bad decisions for years...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Must Love Dogs?

'What I haven't decided, yet, who are the biggest morons: the hysterical, sensation-seeking and ill-informed media, or the gutless, insecure-with-their-masculinity, microcephalic mental-midget losers who abuse animals, in this case one of America's icons: The American Pit Bull Terrier.' ~ Andrew Rosza

I cringed when I read it...a tiny woman in Seattle mauled by two pitbulls. She had to have surgery to attach her EARS, for crying out loud! .....

So what's the deal? Are these irresponsible pet owners who have created a monster through abuse or neglect? Or an unpredictable breed, a ticking bomb with teeth that could explode at any moment?

We have a pitbull named Ginger. She is the sweetest dog you've ever met. I'm not biased...I actually don't like dogs. Seriously. I don't. Granted, puppies are cute and I will politely pet my friends' dogs knowing how much THEY love them, but I am a dog avoider, through and through. I hate it when they jump on me, hate it when they sniff my crotch, hate it when they rub their wet dog nose all over me and worst of all, the TONGUE....if my friends really knew what I thought of dogs, some would disown me I'm afraid. So I pretend to this day to enjoy their dogs' company and put up with the annoying canine habits I despise. But Ginger...

She was part of an abandoned litter, most likely due to their breed. Most of the puppies died in a hot Texas desert but a compassionate Navy family saved two, Ginger and her brother. They were fed with droppers and nursed back to life and good health. Soon after, the family was relocated to Everett WA and were unable to keep the pups, again because of their breed. Their landlord provided the 'it's you or the dogs!' ultimatum and the family posted a desperate plea on Craig's List for homes. Ginger's bro found a home right away but it was down to the wire for her. If shuttled to the nearest animal shelter, she faced certain death - the Snohomish County shelter used to automatically kill pits upon arrival, regardless of health status and behavior. Maybe they still do.

Don had been parusing the CL posts for at least a week. He had his heart set on a pitbull puppy - they're smart, loyal, beautiful dogs and he assured me they were not a violent breed and that a handful of unfeeling, selfish dog owners had ruined America's perception of pits through several high profile cases souped-up by the media. At that time, I had a friend who is very active in the pit-rescue world and works tirelessly as an advocate, which also helped with my decision. So when Don found this post saying Ginger would be dropped at the local Murder Shack, we jumped on it and he drove to get her that night. other word described our new family member. She was fairly docile for a puppy - even with my inexperience I could see that. I chalked it up to all the changes she had endured in her short life. She learned quickly and enjoyed the kids so much. Don took her to work with him every day so she wasn't alone and worked to train her on the canine basics.

Truthfully, my trepidation has never completely subsided. I'm very aware that any domesticated animal has the possibility of exhibiting unpredictable and sometimes dangerous behavior. Take my husband's run-in with death at the hands (paws) of a lovable Lab at five years old. It's an amazing story, really, and the attack ends with him waking up bloody and confused with the Lab kneeling several feet away, its head down, unmoving. He later told his mom that he saw an angel there, holding that dog's head down with its celestial hand of protection.

A violent Lab? Every breed has its misconceptions and prejudices. I notice my neighbors' faces when Ginger runs out the door occasionally. Or when friends with small children come over for the first time. I totally get it.

But Ginger had proved over and over that she is nothing but a dog who, more than eating or breathing, wants to please us... that she loves us with an unconditional doggie kind of love that makes her almost pee herself with glee everytime she sees us.

She's a keeper.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why I'm not voting for McCain

“I believe voters elect their leaders based on their experience and judgment — their ability to make hard calls, for instance, on matters of war and peace. It’s important to get them right.” ~ John McCain

I used to like McCain, and I still do in some ways. When I lived in AZ, I said 'If that guy ever runs for president, I'm voting for him!' I liked how real he was, just a 'say-it-like-it-is-and-you-can-like-it-or-not' demeanor. But my opinion started to change during the Republican primaries. I saw a man who seemed to be boiling under the surface, like he was going to bust a vein any second but with great difficulty he was keeping it together. Remember that part in Fifth Element when the Mangalore morphed into a 'normal' looking guy to pretend to be Korben Dallas so he could get on the cruise ship to Fhloston? Kinda like that. His true Mangalore kept trying to come out. During the primaries, McCain's demeanor was condescending and arrogant and his sarcasm really bothered me. It just seemed unpresidential and I lost a lot of respect for him. I've listened to interviews since then, listened to speeches, and I just can't shake this feeling that this guy would lead us to war. Like he'd get pissed off about something and BOOM! ... my teenage son would be drafted.

I read a Steve Benen story on the NY Times site ( in response to David D. Kirkpatrick's story about McCain's foreign policy world view and his actions following the 9/11 attacks. McCain's knee-jerk reaction was to invade Iraq as early as one month following the attacks. And that was just one country on his shit list - Iran and Syria were mentioned as well. “He has the personality of a fighter pilot: when somebody stings you, you want to strike out,” said retired Gen. John H. Johns, a former friend and supporter of Mr. McCain who turned against him over the Iraq war. I tend to avoid people like that in my personal life and certainly don't want a hot-head for a president, not in these times.

Let me say this: I am not a pacifist. I believe in war, as horrible as it is. Ecclesiastes says there is a time for war and a time for peace. If we had not gone to war in WWII, where would the world be? I'm reading The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill, the first book in the Second World War series. His premise is that WWII could have been prevented if the world had enforced its clauses against Germany after WWI, but everyone was so sick of war and wanted peace so badly that we let important things slide. During the Washington Conference of 1921, we even proposed a naval disarmament of Britain and the U.S. because we felt like we couldn't expect Germany to disarm if we weren't going to do it! WTF? Here is a passage I found very compelling:

'It is my purpose, as one who lived and acted in these days, to show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been prevented; how the malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous; how the structure and habits of democratic states, unless they are welded into larger organisms, lack those elements of persistence and conviction which can alone give security to humble masses; how even in matters of self-preservation, no policy is pursued for even ten or fifteen years at a time. We shall see how the counsels of prudence and restraint may become the prime agents of mortal danger; how the middle course adopted from desires for safely and a quiet life may be found to lead direct to the bull's-eye of disaster. We shall see how absolute is the need of a broad path of international action pursued by many states in common across the years, irrespective of the ebb and flow of national politics....It was a simple policy to keep Germany disarmed and the victors adequately armed for thirty years, and in the meantime, even if a reconcilatiaton could not be made with Germany, to build ever more strongly a true League of Nations capable of making sure that treaties were kept or changed only by discussion and agreement...but this modest requirement..the victors were unable to supply.'

Pretty strong words but here's what I get from this: countries need each other to stand up to the bad guys and to keep them accountable for their actions. We need a leader capable of unifying not only the US but all the democracies of the world in order to accomplish this. Bush has struck out - we're no longer respected as we once were.

I don't want a loud bully shooting off his mouth or a pit bull with lipstick. I want a strong, rational, confident, uncompromising leader who does not react with his fist. I want a leader willing to sit down and talk to whoever, whenever, wherever, because I'd say by looking at the state of the world today, something is not working. Talking doesn't mean weakness and it doesn't mean we're going to compromise. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different outcome. In the words of Dr. Phil, 'How's that working for ya?' Shittily, that's how it's working...adverb of the day.

Martin Luther King

My sister Mandy put this it...

MLK Collage

Monday, September 1, 2008

The integrity of Barack Obama

As a teenager, I had sex and lots of it.
Thank you, and good night.

So before I continue with my gushing praise of Obama, it's important to me that you know that I am in no way passing judgement on Sarah Palin or her daughter Bristol. I wish them all the best in the days ahead.

In an article written by Brian Naylor on the NPR (National Public Radio) website, he reports Barack Obama's response to the news released today that McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is going to be a grandma soon. Her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant and it has cast a shadow over the Republican National Convention and the conservatives' initial rah-rah-ing over McCain's choice because of Palin's socially conservative views. But check this out...with an opportunity to get a jab in, Barack chooses the high road:

'Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, in a Michigan news conference, was asked about reports about Palin's daughter's pregnancy. He said the media should back off the story.

Obama told reporters that "people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits." He said it has no bearing on Palin's performance as governor of Alaska or what kind of vice president she would be. Obama denied anyone in his campaign was responsible for spreading rumors about Palin, and added that anyone caught doing so would be fired.'

A jillion kudos to Obama for his unrelenting integrity and undeniable respect for all persons. This guy is the real shine a probing light from any direction at any given time and he proves over and over that he is authentic.

I went looking for blog responses to the news and ended up at the 'Religion Blog' at Whoa Nelly! People are hoppin' mad! Floating in the sea of insults and gossip was this post that made the biggest impression on me:

'The more christians and conservatives open their mouths to pass judgement upon others, the more I view christians and conservatives as just plain mean.'

Ah man...I had such mixed feelings reading's SO DAMN TRUE!! Christians and conservatives can be some of the the meanest people on earth. This situational compassion crap makes me want to vomit. And I also felt sad. I hate reading something that hurts about someone I love. And I love Christians. They drive me crazy collectively but I love them because God loves them, because God loves ME. I'll be writing more about that later, it's been in my mind a lot lately.

Barack's kindness toward a member of the opposing team was a breath of fresh air. No condemnation, no gossip, no insult cloaked in the guise of kindness - 'we're sending our thoughts and prayers during this extrememly, shockingly, dreadfully, horribly, exceedingly difficult time'.

'He who is without sin may cast the first stone....'